Liposuction and Buttock Augmentation-Cleveland Plastic Surgery Case of the Week

This patient came to see Dr. Medalie at his Cleveland, Ohio west side ofice to discuss liposuction and buttock augmentation via fat transfer (Brazillian Butt Lift). She had enough fatty tissue of the abdomen and sides for transplant and she understood that at least 50% of the fat would not survive the transplant process. The surgery was performed as an outpatient at Dr. Medalie’s west 150th street location in Cleveland and 500 ccs of fatty tissue was transferred to each side of the patient’s gluteal region. The patient is shown 9 months after the liposculpture and gluteal enhancement. She has good contouring of the abdomen and sides from the liposuction and she also has better buttock projection. Overall she is very pleased with her results.

*Plastic surgery results are not guaranteed

Liposuction and Buttock Augmentation in Cleveland, Ohio  FRONT VIEW


Liposuction and Buttock Augmentation in Cleveland, Ohio  BACK VIEW


Liposuction and Buttock Augmentation in Cleveland, Ohio  SIDE VIEW


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