Breast Lift in Lyndhurst & Beachwood, OH

Over time, the effects of gravity along with the loss of the skin’s natural elasticity begins to have an effect on the appearance of a woman’s breasts. These factors, combined with pregnancies and nursing, will often cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and firmness. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. The procedure can also reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple). Breast implants inserted in conjunction with a mastopexy procedure can increase both firmness and size. Dr. Medalie typically performs breast lift as an outpatient procedure in Cleveland, Ohio. For more of Dr. Medalie’s breast lift patient photos, please visit his photo gallery.

Your breast lift procedure can be achieved through a variety of incision patterns and techniques.

The appropriate technique for you will be determined based on:

  • Breast size and shape
  • The size and position of your areolas
  • The degree of breast sagging
  • Skin quality and elasticity as well as the amount of extra skin

Step 1 – Anesthesia

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The choices include local anesthesia (appropriate only for the peri-areolar lift), intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. I will recommend the best choice for you at your consultation.

Step 2 – The incision

There are three common incision patterns:

Around the areola

Breast lift incision around areola

Around the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease

Breast lift incision vertical

Around the areola, vertically down from the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease

Breast lift incision horizontal

Step 3 – Reshaping your breasts

After I make the incisions:

  • The underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness.
  • The nipple and areola are repositioned to a natural, more youthful height.
  • If necessary, enlarged areolas are reduced by excising skin at the perimeter.
  • Excess breast skin is removed to compensate for a loss of elasticity.

Step 4 – Closing the incisions

After your breasts are reshaped and excess skin is removed, the remaining skin is tightened as the incisions are closed.

Some incision lines resulting from breast lift are concealed in the natural breast contours; however, others are visible on the breast surface. Incision lines are permanent, but in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time.

Many women desire the smallest scar possible. However, I will try and recommend the incisions which best suit your anatomy.

Please listen to my recommendation and do not diminish your result by demanding an incision that will not be appropriate for you.

Sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts (they all dissolve over time). Skin adhesives and/or surgical tape typically are used to close the skin.

*Plastic surgery results can vary from patient to patient and are not guaranteed.



» Read a more detailed description of breast lift at the American Society of Plastic Surgery website