
Individual results may vary.

Case ID: 1926

Front: Abdominoplasty & Liposuction.

Left: Abdominoplasty & Liposuction.

Rear: Abdominoplasty & Liposuction.


This Cleveland Plastic Surgery patient came from Akron to see Dr. Medalie about abdominoplasty and liposuction. She had a large abdomen with excess adipose of the flanks, sides and inner and outer thighs. She also had muscle laxity of the abdominal wall. She underwent tummy tuck with aggressive liposuction of the flank and hip region as well as the thighs. During the surgery her upper and lower abdominal wall was plicated  with strong sutures to tighten the rectus abdominus musculature and provide a flatter tummy. She then went on a good diet and lost an additional 30 pounds. Over a year out from her procedure she had a dramatically flatter and more refined abdomen with thinner hips, sides and thighs.

*Plastic Surgery results can vary from patient to patient and are not guaranteed