Cleveland Plastic Surgery Case of the Week- Labiaplasty
- Posted on: Jan 28 2015
This 26 year old patient from Youngstown, Ohio contacted Dr. Medalie of Cleveland Plastic Surgery for labia minora reduction and vaginal rejuvenation.She had asymmetric labia minora with the right side being much larger than the left side and complained of extreme irritation while exercising and wearing tight clothing. She was most concerned about post-operative symmetry. She had visited Dr. Medalie’s websites, and and also read reviews of him on and felt that he would be able to perform the kind of labia reduction that she desired. Her goal was to have a wedge resection with preservation of the natural labia contour, and in their consultation, Dr. Medalie assured her that this was possible. The labia reduction surgery was performed at his Cleveland west side clinic under local anesthesia with mild oral sedation. The second picture shows the patient 3 months after the labia reduction surgery with a pleasing contour and dramatic reduction in labia size and contour. There is excellent symmetry between the two sides. *Plastic surgery results can vary from patient to patient and are not guaranteed
Labia Minora Reduction Before and 3 Months After
Tagged with: Labia minora reduction, labia reduction, labiaplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginoplasty
Posted in: Cool Case of the Week