Labiaplasty (Labia reduction)-Cleveland Plastic Surgery case of the Week
- Posted on: Dec 12 2012
This 28 year old patient came to see Dr. Medalie in Cleveland, Ohio from her home in Lansing , Michigan. She was interested in labia minor reduction. Because she lived far away, she was able to arrange for the surgery via the internet and telephone and then show up for her procedure and meet Dr. Medalie on the same day. She was asked to stay in town for one night prior to going back to Lansing. The labiaplasty was performed with local anesthesia and mild oral sedation and she tolerated it quite well. The results are shown at three months, and the patient is very happy with her new labial contour.
*Plastic surgery results are not guaranteed
Labiaplasty Before Labiaplasty After
Tagged with: Dr. Daniel Medalie, Labia minora reduction, labia reduction, labiaplasty, labioplasty
Posted in: Cool Case of the Week