Cleveland Plastic Surgery Case of the Week- Post weight loss surgery with abdominoplasty, liposuction, arm lift and breast lift
- Posted on: Mar 22 2011
This patient from Cleveland, Ohio came to see Dr. Medalie at his Beachwood office to discuss surgery after massive weight loss. She had a gastric bypass several years ago and lost 175 pounds. Her chief complaints were a large amount of excess skin and fatty tissue on the arms and abdomen and dramatically drooping breasts. Dr. Medalie agreed to perform a simultaneous tummy tuck with liposuction, breast lift and brachiaplasty (arm lift). After the surgery she had a dramatically improved body contour compared to her startign point and was very pleased with the operation.
Plastic Surgery results can vary
Before Tummy tuck, Breast Lift, Arm Lift After Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Arm Lift
Tagged with: abdominoplasty, body contouring, breast, breast lift, breast surgery, Cleveland Ohio, cleveland plastic surgeon, cleveland plastic surgery, Dr. Medalie, liposuction, tummy tuck
Posted in: Cool Case of the Week