This pleasant 30 year old man came to see Dr. Medalie at his Beachwood, Ohio office to discuss gynecomastia reduction. He had evidence of breast tissue on his chest since adolescence and even with losing weight had not noticed a big difference. After careful consultation he decided to undergo a male breast reduction surgery […]
Male Breast Reduction to treat Severe Gynecomastia-Before and 1 year After Photos This patient came to see Dr. Medalie complaining of severe gynecomastia and lateral excess skin and fatty tissue. He had lost up to 150 lbs and was concerned about the displaced nipple/areolar complex, excess breast tissue and lateral excess skin […]
This male patient suffered from right unilateral gynecomastia. He came to Dr. Medalie of Cleveland Plastic Surgery at his Cleveland downtown office requesting right sided reduction of his breast tissue. He underwent liposuction and a small sub-areolar resection of excess glandular tissue as an outpatient at the Metro West 150th street surgery center just south […]
This patient from Columbus, Ohio came to see Dr. Medalie at his Cleveland, Ohio office in regards to gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction). He elected to undergoe ultrasonic liposuction in adddition to a small peri-areolar incision to remove sub-areolar glandular tissue during his chest reduction surgery. He is shown 6 months after the procedure with […]
This patient from Cleveland, Ohio came to see Dr. Medalie in regards to male breast enlargement (Gynecomastia). He had a combination of excess fatty and glandular tissue and wanted a surgical procedure to have it reduced. Dr. Medalie performed the male breast reduction as an outpatient at his Cleveland East side surgery center. The procedure […]