This 43 year old mother of two also lost one hundred pounds from diet and exercise. She came to Dr. Daniel A. Medalie of Cleveland Plastic Surgery complaining of loose skin and muscle of the abdomen as well as deflated breasts. Dr. Medalie recommended a full mommy makeover with tummy tuck and liposuction as well […]
Dr. Medalie of Cleveland Plastic Surgery is happy to announce that he has been selected for the 2013 Best of Cleveland Awards for Plastic Surgeons. He is proud to serve his community and will continue to strive for the optimal outcomes for all of his patients.
The patient below came from Eerie, Pa to see Dr. Medalie of Cleveland Plastic Surgery about Labia Minora reduction to modify the appearance of her vaginal lips. She underwent the labiaplasty in a short outpatient procedure that was performed with mild oral sedation and local anesthesia at his Cleveland West side office. She is shown at 3 months post-op. […]
This patient from Columbus, Ohio traveled to Cleveland to see Dr. Medalie at his Beachwood office to discuss labia minora reduction (labiaplasty). After a careful exam he confirmed that she was a good candidate for the surgery and explained the outpatient procedure. The surgery was performed with mild oral sedation and local anesthesia at the […]
This patient from Youngstown Ohio came to see Dr. Medalie at his Cleveland East side office in Beechwood. She desired total body liposuction and agreed that she was very overweight with extreme body disporoportion to start with. She exercised daily and felt that liposuction might help to jump start a new diet plan . Dr. […]